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Raised scrotal temperature is one of the least studied but easily corrected risk factors for male infertility.

A Study of the effect of FertilimateOsman et. al, 2012

Heat has an adverse effect on spermatogenesis and it is believed that scrotal temperatures 1 to 2°C below body temperature would be a natural advantage to normal sperm morphology.

A Study of the effect of FertilimateOsman et. al, 2012

Our study demonstrates that working with a laptop computer produces significant elevation of scrotal temperature…scientific background suggests a negative impact of scrotal hyperthermia upon spermatogenesis.

Increase in scrotal temperature in laptop computer usersSheynkin et. al, 2005

In the male, exposure to heat has a deleterious effect on fertility and is considered a significant risk factor for male infertility.

Testicular heat stress and sperm qualitySharma et. al, 2014

A significant increase in sperm concentration and total sperm count was achieved by nocturnal cooling after 8 weeks.

Improvement of semen quality by nocturnal scrotal coolingJung et. al, 2005

Significant increases in sperm motility and vitality (from 25.4 % to 29.0% and from 64.8% to 71.7%, respectively) were demonstrated after scrotal cooling.

Evaluation of scrotal cooling devicesBenidir et. al, 2021